The weekly practice net is run every Wednesday evening at 8:00PM. The purpose is simply to test equipment and verify that everyone can reach the repeater.  There are no comment rounds or traffic passing – the net takes about five minutes.

Below is the suggested net script.  Net controllers are not required to read this verbatim.

Attention all stations, this is WX8CLE for Cleveland Skywarn, opening this week’s backbone net. This net is directed. It is open to Skywarn coordinators and net control operators. When checking in, please give your station call sign, your current location, city and county, and whether you have traffic for the net.

Take check-ins from SMART, then each district 1-6, then ask for any late checkins.

On behalf of the National Weather Service and Cleveland Skywarn, we wish to thank SMART for the use of this repeater system, the Skywarn coordinators for their efforts and the amateur radio community for their participation in Skywarn communications. For more information on the backbone net or to contact us, please visit

We will now continue this net on DMR talk group 313932.  For additional information on the DMR backbone including repeater availability, go to

This is WX8CLE for Cleveland Skywarn, this net is now closed.

Switch to the DMR channel and repeat the script.

Please note: The WX8CLE call sign is only to be used on Skywarn backbone nets unless otherwise authorized by Cleveland Skywarn.